Your expert in lipid and plant protein valorization
Who are we?
A Technical Center (CTI), dedicated to oils and related products, in Canéjan (33) and its subsidiary IMPROVE, dedicated to Proteins enhancement plants, in Dury (80).
These two entities create a unique group, a leader in the valorization of lipids and proteins, at the service of the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors, in phase with the expectations of industry.
The synergy of skills and expertise thus created enables the optimization of uses of all product fractions and co-products derived from these agro-resources.
Our mission:
We reveal the potential of vegetable oils and proteins, through natural ingredients that are good for people and the planet, thanks to our high-performance R&D & Innovation departments and eco-responsible processes.
Services :
- Analysis of raw materials and ingredients (physico-chemical, functional and sensory characterization)
- Qualification of lipid and protein matrices for nutritional use, development of formulations
- R&D eco-responsible processes and products/ingredientsof superior functional and nutritional quality
- Industrialization of kg at ton and custom production
- Environmental studies (Life cycle assessments)
- Training, auditing and consulting / technology watch and benchmarking
- Development and licensing of innovative clean technologies
Our means
A stronger strike force
Expanded platform capacity
Analytical & functional/sensory performance : with specialties in oils and fats at Canejan, proteins at Dury
Application formulation from oils and proteins: cosmetics, food, feed, crop protection at Canejan, Dairy/Meat alternatives at Dury
Dry/wet extraction and protein functionalization: Dury
Health Nutrition: Canéjan
Oil extraction and refining: Canéjan
Green chemistry : Canéjan