ITERG launches a call for tenders for Services
" Provident and health insurance (mutual)

As part of an open formalized procedure published on the AMPA platform, ITERG is launching an invitation to tender for the services of a statutory auditor.
The consultation regulations and the business consultation file can be downloaded exclusively from the AMPA platform, and the deadline for applications is 14/11/2022 12:00.
Any questions or additional information must be submitted via the AMPA platform.
The consultation file is available electronically on the buyer's profile:


 ITERG is the Centre Technique Industriel (CTI) for the fats and related products industries: vegetable oils, vegetable proteins, minor compounds and derivatives of these products.

Based in Canéjan, ITERG brings together 95 employees on a single site, 80% of whom are scientific and technical staff working on the Green chemistry platforms, crushing and refining workshops, analysis, nutrition and formulation laboratories, and environmental research departments.

Whether your project involves specific analytical requirements, large-scale production needs, in-depth studies on formulation, nutrition and/or environmental considerations, our teams can work in synergy at every phase of the project.