The Importance of Standardization in Fat Body Analysis: The Key Role of ITERG
ITERG plays a major role as an Industrial Technical Center, particularly in the field of standardization and analysis of fats and co-products. Its mission as a Reference Laboratory is essential for professionals, particularly in the event of commercial disputes or international crises.
Validation of analysis methods
ITERG provides high-performance analysis methods, validated and recognized by standardization norms. This approach guarantees the excellence and reliability of analyses in the fats and oils sector.
Participation in national and international working groups
As a driving force behind proposals, ITERG actively contributes to the work of standardization and regulatory expert groups, notably withAFNOR, CEN andISO. These participations underline its commitment and influence in setting standards in its field of expertise.

Working groups on analytical methods in which ITERG participates:
AFNOR T60C & ISO/TC34/SC11 Corps gras - Chaired by Lionel LAGARDERE, this group focuses on standards for fats and oils.
CEN/TC19/JWG1 Biodiesel - This group works on standards specific to biodiesel, an important co-product of the fats and oils industry.
CEN/TC275/WG13 Contaminants & Neoforms - This group focuses on the detection and analysis of contaminants and neoforms in products.