Environment and Eco-design
LCA, GHG assessment, CSR...
Boost your environmental performance
You would like to :
- Know your environmental performance
- Reduce the environmental impact of your processes
- Developing eco-responsible products and processes
- Ensure your regulatory compliance
We support you in reducing your environmental footprint, by proposing tailor-made solutions adapted to your needs and the specific nature of your products and processes.
We put the know-how and business/environmental expertise of theAlliance know-how and business/environmental expertise in biomass recovery processes for food and non-food uses.
We support you in your environmental approach(LCA, GHG, CSR, ACEVOIL...)
Environmental performance evaluation🌿
- Product/process/industry-oriented LCA,
- Construction of Life Cycle Inventories (LCI),
- ITERG owns the rights to SimaPro and Means-InOut software.
🪴Critical reviewand methodological expertise
🪴 Eco-design approach based on an initial environmental assessment (LCA)
🪴Critical reviewand methodological expertise
Industrial site diagnostics🌿
→ GHG assessments (Bilan Carbone, GHG Protocol...) and decarbonization strategies
🪴Producinga GHG balance sheet that can include the regulatory balance sheet
🪴Accreditation ofthe Association for the Low Carbon Transition (ABC)
- GHG assessment in line with Bilan Carbone, GHG Protocol and ISO 14069 methodology,
- Drawing up and monitoring action plans.
🪴BPIfrance/ADEME "Décarbon'Action" diagnostics.
Identify solutions to develop or improve a product🌿
→ Environmental & CSR Watch & Advice
🪴ICPE& Environment regulatory watch
🪴Accompanimentin a CSR approach
Research & Transfer 🌿
🪴Coordinationof the Mixed Technology Network ACTIA ECOVAL
🪴Accredited memberof the Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique REVALIM
🪴Contributionto the updating of the environmental database AGRIBALYSE
🪴Memberof the Carnot network 3BCAR
🪴Development ofthe free environmental assessment tool ACéVOIL
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Certified services
Multidisciplinary approach
Our environmental studies are part of a multidisciplinary approach, in perfect synergy with projects to improve eco-responsible processes and formulate biobased products, both in the food sector and in the plant-based chemical industry.
This integrated approach combines our environmental expertise with initiatives undertaken by other ITERG units, helping to reduce the ecological footprint of your products, while enabling you to communicate your environmental initiatives to your customers and partners.
Examples of interventions
Coordination of RMT ACTIA ECOVAL
Methodological development specific to the environmental assessment of food products and processes, and consumer information.
Minimizing water consumption
ITERG is involved in the ANR MINIMEAU project to minimize water consumption in AFI, by developing an integrated approach combining water footprint and mass pinch.
Environmental regulatory watch
It selects and comments on laws, decrees and other texts of interest to the sector. Areas covered include: ICPE, energy (particularly biofuels), GHG emissions, water, waste and general environmental policy issues.
Our research themes
"Meeting society's expectations for sustainable development and a food system with low environmental impact."
→ Edible oils & Vegetable proteins
- DAGOIL: Comparative LCA of chemically and enzymatically refined oils,
- EIMA: Environmental challenges of producing a DHA-rich oil from microalgae,
- PROREF: Comparative LCA of standard neutralization and oil/hexane micelles,
- MINIMEAU: State of the art and recommendations on water management practices at AFI,
- INCYVIE: Creation of Life Cycle Inventories for the AGRIBALYSE database.
→ Food packaging
- CREABIOM: Literature review on the environmental impact of biobased packaging solutions,
- GREENWAX: Comparative LCA of the production of a new vegetable kerosene for edible paper and a mineral kerosene,
- PACK-AGB: Creation of Life Cycle Inventories of food packaging solutions for the AGRIBALYSE database.
→ Non-food valorization and biosourced products
- VEGALUB and VOSOLUB: comparative LCA of bio-based lubricants,
- HYPERBIOPOL: Identification of the environmental hotspots of hyperbranched polymers derived from vegetable oils for eco-design purposes,
- PROLUB: Comparative LCA and eco-design of a biodegradable lubricating grease
- PolyOil2Industry: Environmental issues in the production of biobased polyols for the paint and cosmetics markets,
- BIOCOAT: Environmental challenges of biosourced powder paint,
- BITUME 2.0: Comparative LCA and eco-design of innovative bio-based binders as an alternative to petroleum-based bitumen,
- EBONITE: comparative LCA (sourcing of raw materials, processes, etc.) for the implementation of three French biobased supply chains for the production of chemical intermediates.
Discover also
Why trust us?
- Our expertise is based on in-depth environmental training andfield experience.
- Our many areas of expertise enable us to tackle complex and constantly evolving environmental issues.
Soft skills
- Our commitment to customer satisfaction is our top priority, resulting in long-lasting relationships built on trust.
- We ensure the confidentiality, integrity and transparency of our results.
- We support you in a wide range of skills and markets.
- By working closely with other fields of expertise, we enrich our understanding of environmental challenges, enabling us toinnovative approaches tailored to the specific needs of each project.
Our procedure for handling customer complaints is available on request from your usual contacts.
Our team is ready to listen!
Get in touch with us
Fabrice BOSQUE
Unit Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager