Latest publications
Environment - EcoIndustries
- Reflection on the choice of the functional unit in LCA in the framework of the environmental display of food products
- Les Cahiers de l'IFIP, vol.7, n°2, 2021 - L. Farrant, M. Colombin, G. Nassy, [...]
The challenges of sustainable food for agri-food companies
- AA, vol. 137, n°69, 2020 - L. Farrant, F. Bosque
- Valorization of agro-industry residues by methanization - Development of the ValorMap spatialized database
- AFIvol. 137, n°69, 2020 - P. Levasseur, M. Torrijos, F. Bosque
- Improving overall environmental performance through environmental assessment
- AFIvol. 137, n°69, 2020 - F. Bosque, E. Adoir, A. Besnier, L. Farrant, [...]
- New version of the BREF agro-food: impacts for the sector and industrial implementation
- AFIvol. 137, n°69, 2020 - E. Roques, P. Roiron, L. Farrant